Volunteer with Us

We Need You!

Perhaps you want to work with children or seniors. Possibly you might want to help preserve the stories of our city by cleaning headstones or documenting grave sites. Maybe you want to meet a famous archaeologist. Or, maybe you have technical skills. Help Archaeology Now staff events or work behind the scenes to support the organization locally and globally.

We are certain to have a role that fits your interests and abilities.

Volunteer Positions Available

Family Events


We love to work with students. We provide training and volunteer hours AND write letters of recommendations. Our student alumni have received internships, jobs, and college admissions based on their work with us.


Adult opportunities include clerical duties, volunteering at family events, and assisting with adult presentations such as Culinary Adventures,, cemetery preservation, and talks. We also work to provide free tickets to charged events.

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Please email archynowvolunteer@gmail.com or call 713-364-6344