We are Storytellers!

Travel across the world and through time with Archaeology Now as we collaborate with communities to tell the stories of humanity. Archaeology Now is the Houston-based affiliate of a nationwide organization—the Archaeological Institute of America. We were founded in 1967 by Dominique De Menil, Philip Oliver Smith, and Walter Widrig. Join us for adult events, family experiences, culinary adventures, cemetery preservation activities, original digital content, and an after-school enrichment program.

Our Mission

Archaeology Now collaborates with diverse communities to exchange knowledge of the stories of humanity through the lens of archaeology.

Our Vision

We reach out to a greater public to educate and inspire.

We collaborate internationally.

We discover stories of, and connections to, our ancestors.

We acknowledge the basic dignity of all humankind.

We promote mutual understanding in Houston and beyond.

National Organization

Archaeology Now is the Houston affiliate of the Archaeological Institute of America. The AIA promotes a vivid and informed public interest in the cultures and civilizations of the past, supports archaeological research, fosters the sound professional practice of archaeology, advocates for the preservation of the world’s archaeological heritage, and represents the discipline in the wider world.

